“blog like you are talking to your friends”

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I have been thinking about blogging for a few months.  I have always loved writing but am unsure if I am good at it.  My favorite subject is my mom Nona.  I am currently 56 years old and mom is soon to be 85.  Throughout our life, we have been more like sisters.  Our relationship has never been formal.  She is not “mother” she is “momma”, mom or Nona to me. I hope to bring humor to taking care of our parents as they age.

When my dad fell in 2008 and became a quadriplegic she moved in with me.  Our routine was I would drop her off at the skilled nursing center every morning at 730am.  I would go to work and pick her up after I got off.  I have a brother who was a wonderful support system for us and he would drop her off in the evenings sometimes.  In 2010 when my dad passed away she moved back to their house and I moved in with her. It was shortly after that when she was diagnosed with leukemia.

With my blog, I am hoping to record my memories with momma.   If what I write brings a smile or some helpful info I would certainly love that.

I would love feedback with my blogging technique since I am a beginner. I heard you should begin your blog like you are talking to a group of your friends.
