New Baby Wishes

Amazon has the largest baby gift selection

New Baby Wishes

Create your baby registry today.  Free 90-Day returns, group gifting, huge selection, free welcome box, universal registry and, completion discount.

Prime members save 15% on eligible items when you complete your registry.





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New Baby Wishes

I am going to be a first-time Grammy in 6 months and beyond excited.

It is a Girl

I had no preference for the sex of my grandchild but I know it is going to be a girl. Amazon has everything you need whether it is a boy or a girl.

Baby Registry- Earth’s Largest Baby Selection

I saw this and had to share because I have been an Amazon customer for so many years.  (at least 10)

The registry is easy and a no brainer.

I am going to share this with my son and daughter-in-law.


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